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Every RPGMaker Game (I’ve Played) Ranked

Lucian Lack

Greetings everyone. Today I’m ranking every RPGMaker game I’ve played. Most are not good. This’ll be fun. If anyone who reads this has a game they think I should play, feel free to suggest it!


25. The Hero of Dreegom


Quite frankly, I don’t know why I downloaded this. It seemed well made (kinda), but it also didn’t appear to be finished. If it was done, I’m sure it would be higher, but it wasn’t, so what are you gonna do? Not play it, that’s what (unless you want to).


24. The Blinding of the Light


It’s fine, but it’s abysmally short. Like, 5 minutes short. But this is to be expected, as it was made for a 1 hour game jam. Still, I commend them for making it in an hour, and the game itself is well made. Just very, very short.


23. The Legend of Tango


Steam Score: Mixed

In terms of gameplay: fine, but pretty easy. But for some reason, it never shuts up about Tango Fiesta, which, according to its steam score (Mixed), ISN’T EVEN GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I’m just very upset. Otherwise, it’s a fine RPG. Okay writing with a couple of funny moments, but once again, it’s very short.


22. Space Funeral 4: The Parmingulator


Our first Space Funeral game on this list, and it sure is something. I don’t know how this ties into Space Funeral, but it follows Fred and Fart Butt as they go on a mystical quest to do... something. From what I played, there’s one battle, and for the rest of the enemies, you just touch them and they die. Thrilling. This one is at least ironically funny.


21. Advent


Steam Score: Mixed

There’s somehow two Christianity-themed games on this list and one does it way better (this is not the good one). Advent is a bland, poorly-written, annoyingly-balanced game that is still somehow better than the previous 4. It has a generic story that is (somehow) tied with Christianity, but it’s just a generic war story. There’s quite literally nothing in this game to set it apart from other, better games. Skip.


20. Crown of Chaos


I genuinely don’t know what to think with this one. On one hand, it’s much better balanced than everything else so far, and the writing is fine, if a bit bland. On the other hand, it really does NOT know what the plot is. It starts out following these guys named Red and Saphire (that’s how they spell it) going out to do... something? It probably has something to do with the Crown of Chaos, I don’t fricking know. But then, near the end of the game, you become a new character in real life (?) and have an extremely vague conversation with your (friend?). I don’t know what happens in this game, but at least it’s an actual game!


19. Great Utopia


Steam Score: Mixed

The very definition of mediocre. I don’t even remember the plot, but it’s fine. Play it if you REALLY want an RPGMaker game and you’ve played all the good ones, but otherwise, just don’t. Also, I still don’t know what the title means.


18. Space Funeral 5: Journey of the Moon and Bubsy


What a title! This is our second Space Funeral game and it still completely fails to capture the spirit of the original trilogy. You play as Moon, the antagonist of the original, alongside Bubsy (I think), trying to sure do something. I don’t remember what. This game has a few funny moments, but I don’t think it’s that great.


17. Space Funeral 2


This is the first game I genuinely like on the list. It’s very short, like 5 minutes if you know what you’re doing, but it’s very well-written and well-made all around. Check this out if you enjoyed Space Funeral. It’s good.


16. Suits: Absolute Power


Steam Score: Very Positive

Price: $5

I genuinely don’t know how to feel about this game. I absolutely LOVE the art and writing, and the gameplay is fairly intuitive. Only issue is: the balancing is absolutely godawful. This is very possibly the most unfair game I’ve ever played. Nearly all of the bosses are way too tough, and the freaking CEO Bot makes me die inside. Oddly enough though, no one else is complaining about the difficulty, so maybe I just did something wrong. No clue.


15. Hylics 2


Steam Score: Overwhelmingly Positive

Price: $15

This one is better than Suits: Absolute Power, but not by much. Once again, it has AMAZING art and great writing, and the enemy balance seems pretty good, but the platforming suuuuucks. Like, so much that it’s unplayable. Nitro Rad made a comparison between this game’s platforming and climbing a mountain in Skyrim, and I don’t think I could make a better analogy.


14. The Benza RPG


Steam Score: Positive

This game is fine. I’ve never seen the Benza because, y’know, Japanese, but this game makes me really want to because it’s got hilarious writing. Issue is, the gameplay isn’t very interesting. It’s basically the most generic RPG ever. Maybe just watch a playthrough on YouTube to see the writing without playing it.


13. Home


Home is an Off fangame that mostly fails to recapture the spirit of Off. That’s about all I have to say. I would say to play it if you absolutely loved Off, but I played it and I didn’t love it. Reason it’s above most of these other games is because it obviously had much more effort put into it than most other stuff on here.


12. Baby Jesus Christ RPG


Steam Score: Very Positive

Much better than the book. Baby Jesus Christ RPG is a game where you play as Mary, Joseph, and Jesus as they face various trials. It’s pretty fun and has a lot of good humor, but the final boss is way too tough. Play it until the fight against Herod for a great little game!


11. Retrobound


Steam Score: Overwhelmingly Positive

Price: $1

A great little RPG! My only real gripe is that there’s a few too many enemies that you have to fight, but otherwise, great! Play it! It’s ridiculously cheap!


10. Quest Questers


I love this game. It’s got a great visual style, great writing, great gameplay, all-around great! Plus, it’s pretty long for an RPGMaker game. Once again, only gripe is that it gets a little too tough around the end. Otherwise, amazing game!


9. Oh RPG


Steam Score: Mixed

Price: $3

This is the first entry on this list that I think doesn’t deserve the mixed score. To be honest, you could practically copy-paste my review of Quest Questers onto this one. Great until the end, where it gets VERY unfair. I would highly recommend this one!


8. Space Funeral: The Legend of Earth Birth


A great game, if not as good as the original. My only issue is that the humor feels less surreal and more like: “MeMeS!!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1” which works fine sometimes, but doesn’t really fit Space Funeral. But come on, you get to play as Dracula!


7. Hylics


Steam Score: Overwhelmingly Positive

Price: $3

An amazing and amazingly surreal claymation RPG. It even has randomly-generated writing, for some reason. I really like this game, and it’s even well-balanced, unlike most games on this list! Go play this one!


6. Yume Nikki


Steam Score: Very Positive

An amazingly strange game. You play as a shut-in named Madotsuki who has nightmarish dreams. Easily the freakiest game on the list, but also relaxing at some points. It’s not for everyone, but it’s great!


5. Space Funeral


This game is amazing. Just go play it. I won’t spoil literally anything about it. Only complaint is that it’s pathetically easy, but it’s still fantastic.


4. Grimm’s Hollow


Steam Score: Overwhelmingly Positive

Holy friggin’ crap. This game is amazing. It’s also extraordinarily depressing, so there’s that. Once again, just go play it. It’s so freaking good. Gameplay’s good too, and surprisingly unique. Just play it.


3. Suits


Steam Score: Very Positive

Price: $1

Absolutely hilarious and a great game all the way through. I don’t know what to say for a lot of these bottom ones, it’s just great. Plus, it’s mega-cheap, so go buy it now (unless you don’t want to).


2. Omori


Price: $20

Steam Score: Overwhelmingly Positive

The price may seem a little steep, but trust me, it’s not. This game is ridiculously long for an RPGMaker game, and it’s got amazing writing and gameplay. Also, for the love of god, don’t spoil this game for yourself. That completely devalues the experience.


1. Off


Holy crap. This may legitimately be my favorite game. It’s so well-written, the puzzles are very well-made, the story is outright amazing, and everything about it is just great. Please play it. Please.



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